Monday, May 31, 2010

Reflection on my Level of Wellness

Based on my reflection and on a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate myself as the following:

Physical wellbeing - I would rate myself as a 7, although I do try to exercise at least 3 days a week I would like to get to the point where I am consistent. I enjoy exercising and it always leaves me feeling refreshed and filled with energy.

Spiritual wellbeing - My spirituality is not where I would like it to be and I rate it as a 5. I need to be able to get where I feel that inner peace and connection with God. Being able to be spiritually in tune will help me to reach that level of wholeness.

Psychological wellbeing - My rating for psychological wellbeing is a 7. Once I can get to that place where I want to be in my physical and spiritual life, everything else will fall into place for me.

My goals for my physical wellbeing is to have a routine exercise program where I can at least get a 45 minutes workout 3 - 5 days a week. For my spiritual wellbeing I want to attend church more often and read books that will open my mind and spirit to reunite with my physical body by having a closer walk with God. My psychological goal is to have that awareness of calmness in my mind and body, and being able to make the change that will lead me to becoming a whole person physically, spiritually, and psychologically.


  1. Hi Beryl,
    It sounds like you are pretty realistic in rating yourself in the three areas. It is so important to assess yourself every so often so that you can maintain the level of wellness that makes you healthy and happy. I actually had to look up the meaning of spirituality when I was writing mine, and really this refers to your inner self and can be achieved by meditation, prayer, or contemplation. I think it refers to not only a relationship with God, but as you mentioned, finding that inner peace. My husband and I have rebeled against organized religion for various reasons in the past 5 years, however, our faith is still intact and grows stronger every day. I just think it is important to seek self-improvement in any positive way we can. It is kind of nice that this class serves to remind us of this! Nice post!

  2. It sounds like you are already on your way to optimal health. You already have a plan to achieve your goals, and you are already working on them. It is important that we try to improve ourselves and this class is helping us every week.

  3. hey, I love the honesty with yourself. Do you think that it would be best to get psychological aspects in control first or the other goals first? I wonder if our minds are the first to change our bodies? Have you ever read the celestine prophecy? If you get a chance, go rent 'what the bleep do we know?' the movie at will be pleasantly suprised! I suggest these couple of things as they are what really opened my horizons and explained, in a coherant manner, the thoughts I had already been was a bit of an affermation/confirmation. Maybe it will help toward your goals. :)
    Thank you for your posting and hope to chat with you soon!
    Jackie Hand
