Sunday, June 13, 2010

Connection of Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellness - Unit 5

Spiritual, mental and physical wellness all connect in that they give us meaning and a purpose in life. All three can affect each other if they are not totally connected. Once we attain that physical wellness our mind and body automatically connect to each other. By practicing meditation and doing exercise that will help us to relieve everyday stressors we will be able to shift our focus and expand our horizons. Having that mind/body connection then allows us to reach that spiritual wellness. I can benefit from this connection by doing the mind/body practices and other exercise that will give me the calmness and peace necessary to reach that physical, mental and spiritual wellness.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you have taken to incorporate into your schedule from this exercise, but you sound like the type of person who is already achieving these goals for yourself. The goals are great and it sound like you are right on track!
    Stay beautiful and hope to chat with you soon!
    Jackie Hand
